
In a sonic landscape that often feels oversaturated, “Wake Up Inner Earth Star!” by Benjamin Chenovik and Yoikyasi offers a refreshing and transcendental experience that is as profound as it is innovative. This 15-minute odyssey is a testament to the duo’s mastery in blending electronic music and drone elements, creating a cosmic sound journey that invites listeners to explore uncharted auditory realms.

The album opens with a delicate yet mesmerizing piano introduction by Benjamin Chenovik, setting a serene and contemplative tone. The piano’s ethereal notes weave effortlessly into the ambient soundscapes crafted by Yoikyasi, which are characterized by their intricate layers and depth. Yoikyasi’s sound design incorporates a rich palette of natural and synthesized elements, including birds, jaguars, bears, wind, trees, waterfalls, and whales. This eclectic mix not only enriches the auditory experience but also grounds it in a primal sense of connection to nature.

The rhythmic structure of the album is subtle but impactful. Unlike conventional electronic music that often relies on prominent beats, “Wake Up Inner Earth Star!” employs a more fluid approach to rhythm. The percussion elements are minimal, allowing the focus to remain on the evolving textures and atmospheric elements. This decision reinforces the meditative quality of the album, creating a space where time seems to stretch and contract in response to the music.

The bassline in this release is particularly noteworthy for its understated yet powerful presence. It provides a deep, resonant foundation that enhances the immersive quality of the soundscapes without overwhelming the delicate interplay of higher frequencies. The bass serves as an anchor, grounding the listener as they drift through the various sonic layers and textures.

One of the most compelling aspects of this release is its ability to evoke a sense of cosmic wonder and introspection. Each track unfolds like a chapter in a celestial narrative, guiding the listener through a series of auditory landscapes that are both otherworldly and intimately familiar. The combination of natural sounds and electronic manipulation creates a dynamic interplay that challenges the boundaries of conventional genre classifications, blending elements of drone, ambient, and electronic music into a cohesive whole.

“Wake Up Inner Earth Star!” is not merely a sound meditation; it is an auditory adventure that transforms the listening experience into a journey of self-discovery and cosmic exploration. Benjamin Chenovik and Yoikyasi have crafted a work of high artistic quality that is sure to resonate with fans of experimental and ambient music. This album is a testament to their creative vision and technical prowess, offering a profound and immersive experience that will leave listeners contemplating the deeper dimensions of sound and existence.

We are thrilled to feature this extraordinary release on our webzine, celebrating its innovative approach and the captivating journey it offers. “Wake Up Inner Earth Star!” is a remarkable addition to the electronic music genre, and it promises to be a transformative experience for all who embark on its celestial voyage.