
Non sopravvive il più forte, tantomeno il più intelligente, bensì chi è più predisposto al cambiamento”. Charles Darwin

Conoscendo Guy Gerber, possiamo dire che lui al cambiamento è più che predisposto, è proprio una parte della sua indole, una parte vincente.
Dacché era un “rock kid” israeliano, passando alla carriera da dj, viaggiando in tutto il mondo, creando la sua label Rumors, ha fatto sempre parlare di sé.

La sua mente viaggia ad una velocità strabiliante, è una valanga di idee, progetti e novità.

Dalla recente collaborazione con P.Diddy, alla sua stagione 2014 da resident con la sua Rumors Label ad Ibiza al Plan Be, uno dei luoghi più emozionanti dell’isola bianca, in soli sei mesi sta apportando una rivoluzione che fa parlare di sé in tutto il globo terracqueo.

Un piccolo esempio? Un EP con Dixon, Chaim and Lake People , feste all’OFF, Sonar, un grande evento al WMC a marzo.

Ma noi siamo molto interessati alla stagione estiva che verrà organizzata da Rumors. Cosa offre il party al Plan Be? Come si svolgeranno le feste? Perché le line-up non verranno annunciate? Che impianto avrà il locale?

A tutto ciò risponde Guy Gerber.

“The parties will take place at Plan Be every Tuesday daytime from 12pm to midnight on the terrace and, every so often but not always,  from 10pm to 3am inside the room.  Things officially start on May 27th and then run every week from June 10th until October 7th.


The venue itself is a genuine old Ibiza restaurant with white walls that was transformed into a super events space. It’s raw and unfussy, with containers piled up on site along with plenty of underground aesthetics.

The capacity will be limited for that perfect party vibe, and the terrace each week will become a small market selling booze, fantastically tasty foods and much more (in fact it will be the only place in Ibiza you can get Mezcal). Inside the walls are dark, the vibe is cosy and the sound is Void , so will be perfect each and every night.

Headliners will not be announced as after all, this night is called Rumours! Closer to the time, though, bits of paper will be handed out around the island with the latest guests names on, just like back in the school days when girls and boys swapped phone numbers on scraps of paper.

Say the Rumors crew… “We believe in 3 to 4 hour sets for every artist. We want the artists to tell a musical story to the dancefloor. That´s also why we prefer to repeat the DJs we invite once a month, to build a public following and allow them to fully foment their own vibe. Also, we want the public to come to the party because they trust us and are happy to wait for quality music and good dancefloor times! Rumors is like a joke about the music industry where rumors and politics are everywhere… We just want to create GOOD and FUN gossip and make fun of the seriousness of it all in the process!”

That said, the headliners will be a mix of international stars and underground heroes. Some will be announced closer to the time, some wont, with the aim being to build trust between Rumors and its loyal fan base.”

Pier Paolo Iafrate