Chiamatelo “clown”, chiamatelo “soggetto”, chiamatelo “matto”, ma le sue qualità musicali non si discutono.
L’artista di Detroit anche questa volta non le manda a dire e sputa frasi all’arsenico sulla techno che suonano oggigiorno nei club.
Estimatore dei vecchi dischi e conservatore per quanto riguarda la tecnologia strumentale, Seth Troxler ci racconta la sua opinione su tutto questo.
“Everyone plays the same shit – repetitive tech house stuff, and it just lacks the soul that music used to have. Also, when music is made on machines everything is so different – even the swing of the track, the whole vibe.”
“I guess the times are different and the experiences the people were having were completely different, so it’s nice to be able to collect ideas from the past. By collecting old records you are collecting experiences from the past and presenting those in today’s times.”
“There used to be proper hits. I was listening to this track the other day; we were playing it in the car, Kings of Tomorrow – Finally. Even though it’s like a guilty pleasure, when that track came out it was like ‘this is a hit!’ A couple of years ago the track of the summer was Party Non Stop, which was a joke; there was no content and I want that content to come back.”
Uno sguardo molto critico sulla scena di oggi, ma come possiamo dargli torto!?
Allora, suggerita da Mr. Seth Troxler in persona vi proponiamo Kings of Tomorrow-Finally.
Pier Paolo Iafrate