
The Finnish producer Shy Parlour embellishes our day by making us listen to his latest work, “Quiet Life”, an electronic indie track animated by a classy vocal.

“There are a couple of stories/layers on my new single “Quiet Life” – the artist told us -. Many of us live our lives from weekend to weekend – once the weekend kicks in, it’s time to let go and get drawn by the neon lights and temptations of life and such. That’s the fun & games interpretation with its dark tones in it. In other sense I’m referring to people like me who sometimes find it hard to fit in. Darkness isn’t literally a dark or gloomy place but it’s somewhere we go hiding and find comfort when things get tough.It’s kind of an out of radar state of mind where you go out in the desert and there’s just you and your thoughts.These things happen or might take place in cycles so the arrangement of the song also supports this idea and also reminds us of the rat race we are in – it stops where it starts and we go again”.